
Today I’m joining my friend Katie at www.katemataung.com in her Five Minute Friday party.  Five Minute Friday is where you free write for five minutes on the word of the day and then link up with other writers and read their stuff. Today’s word is Enjoy.



These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:11

I am not hard to please in any area of my life.  I can find something I like to eat at any restaurant.  I like most genres of music and many types of movies and books.  I guess I’m one of those easy going people.  One of my love languages is quality time.  I enjoy spending time with those I love and getting to know those I don’t.

This Thanksgiving my little brother is coming to visit me.  This is significant because I haven’t seen him since my mother passed away three years ago. We will enjoy each other immensely.

In my opinion, there is nothing better than family fun.  The family knows all your quirks, your past joys and pain and they know your ticklish points.  The family will knit pick you until you absolutely lose it.

I’ve found there to be joy in my adopted family as well.  When  I accepted Jesus as my savior and God called me his child, he infused me to the rim with his joy.

The joy of knowing Jesus and being grafted into the family of God makes me ecstatic.  Jesus brings enjoyment to my life that is not possible to articulate.  I can give it a shot with words like awesome, amazing, incredible or wonderful.  But the truth is, the Joy I find in Jesus is simply indescribable.


The joy I find in Jesus lingers.  It is not a fleeting moment of joy that abruptly ends and leaves me wallowing in my circumstances.  Jesus’ joy permeates my being and gives me strength. If you have not experience the joy that Jesus gives I recommend him.

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10


Author: realtalk859

Hi, I'm Calvonia. I'm so glad you stopped by. I'm a small town girl with old school ways. So come on in, share of cup of hot tea and a real conversation. I've shared my life with my husband, lover and friend, Moses for most of my adult life. Our union has been blessed with three children a couple of in-loves and a few grandchildren. We are so blessed. I love God more than words can articulate and sharing his word and his love with my sisters literally makes me smile. Enough about me, let's talk about Jesus!

7 thoughts on “Enjoy!”

  1. Calvonia- what stands out to me about John 15:11 is that joy isn’t found in one thing. Joy is found in us, not because of the situation but because we have it in us.
    We can bring that joy to any circumstance! How refreshing!
    Have a great Thanksgiving Calvonia!


  2. Quality time with people I care about is one of the things that brings me joy too. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with your brother.


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